Monday, 30 December 2013

his anticipations...and my trepidations...

Photo: My new back rest. One hell of a trip coming up!
Scott's comment on Facebook - December 26 2013
My new back rest. One hell of a trip coming up!

And by today, he should be there - hopefully.
Currently, temperatures at Bundaberg are hovering round 33 degrees centigrade.
Not bad for summer.


Monday, 23 December 2013

Update on the 10,000km bike ride

The original map journey has changed.
Northern Territory is now included.


Scott is going to blog about it:
Tour de Straya

Monday, 16 December 2013

casual 10,000km bike ride...

At the end of this week I will be celebrating the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one when I leave NSN.  

Over 11 years ago, eager to find work when living in Tasmania after leaving university, I found a job working for Vodafone in their call centre. I was later transferred to back to NSW, got oursourced and transferred to what was then called Nokia, and have continuously learned new skills and worked with some very good people. No longer seeing these people on a regular basis will be missed. Now my work is being shifted to India, and I look forward to a new beginning. 

 To make sure this is capped off properly, it will come as no surprise I'm going for a casual 10,000km bike ride. 

 I first meet some good friends in Orange NSW on Boxing Day, and we're off to Bundaberg QLD. When the poor buggers have to turn for home, I'm continuing to Port Douglas, then turn for Adelaide, Great Ocean Road, around Tasmania, then back home past the Snowy Mountains. 

Here's my suggested route, and welcome any suggestions worthy of a detour!

Scott published this on Facebook yesterday...
He expects to complete his ride in just over a month...

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Scott in the Rural Fire Service

Scott 3rd from left left in all yellow with some of the Rural Fire Service people at Hilltop

Thank You presentation 
on the Hall Road fire Southern highlands NSW -  October 2013.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Getting out of Temora...

Photo: Getting out of Temora really bugs me. Compared to last time, now they're juicier. Smack smack splat! Nothing quite like watching the carnage right in front of my face. I recommend it
Scott's photo

November 2
- Getting out of Temora really bugs me.
Compared to last time, now they're juicier. Smack smack splat!
Nothing quite like watching the carnage right in front of my face.
I recommend it.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Temora Air Show

Photo: Temora air show. This is a Caribou, I worked on one of these during my year 10 work experience! I feel old
Scott's photo.

November 2
- Temora air show.
This is a Caribou, I worked on one of these during my year 10 work experience!
I feel old.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

October Fire Season

Scott's photo viewing his smoke laden street.

October was fire season in New South Wales.
And fire visited my son's world south of Sydney.

October 17 - This fire seems to be cooking along. Creating its own clouds. 
Pity my fire service assessment is still yet to come 
or I'd be getting dirty by now.

Scott's photo

Things have settled down around Hill Top.
There was a lot of chatter here,
but the wind pushed it towards Yanderra which is still in a lot of trouble. 
Heaps of wind too. 
Took this tree out, 
and blew in one of next door's chooks 
which my dog found very very interesting.

October 21 - Everyone's alert over here, but not in immediate danger.
So keeping a close eye on things, especially in this fantastic clothes drying weather.
 Charcoal is good for absorbing stench,
and smoke comes from something becoming charcoal,
so I might be on to something!

Scott's photo 

Saw a liitle clear sky this afternoon along with a rainbow ring around the sun. 
Funny to think with the warmer days and fire throwing hot plumes into the sky, 
the colours are caused by ice.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

At It Again

Scott's photo

September 21 - At it again. Went for lunch and kept going.
Kangaroo Valley, Batemans Bay, Braidwood, Goulburn and home.

Scott's photo

September 29 - So this is Temora. Another place I'd never visited before.
Also 28 000km since getting my bike in April. 
Note the splattering of protein all over the visor, that's a lot of fast food! 
A good way of exceeding recommended daily calorie intake.

Scott's photo

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Looking forward (and backwards)...

Scott's photo - down Wollongong way
He loves icecream.

August 22 - Looking forward to spring, then I won't have to heat up the toothpaste to get it out of the tube!

September 1 - Is chocolate a cure for the flu? Here goes the test...

September 14 - 3 laps around Mt Panorama and wave to the friendly policeman with the radar. Oh I love today.

September 19 - That rare moment when hearing a previously unknown band for the first time, and they're bloody brilliant. Sweet.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Ah, Gloucester

Photo: Ah Gloucester, you pretty.
Scott's photo - Gloucester New South Wales

August 3 - Ah Gloucester, you pretty.

but by

August 6 - 3rd day in a row stuck in bed is driving me nucking futs! Any suggestions for good mind numbing games for android? This is what I get for not falling off the bike, but staying on. All those hours crouching is not good. Does the Body Shop sell new lower backs?

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Waterfall Story

Photo: Sydney casino installed a new waterfall without council approval?
Scott's photo.

July 31 - Sydney casino installed a new waterfall without council approval?

Saturday, 19 October 2013

He's Still "Riding" Life

Last year, my son Scott rode from the north to the south of South America. He is a dreamer, a darer with some hearty lashes of craziness.
He also could be, should be a writer.
His writing has a twist, a quirk, some joie de vivre.

That glittering writing style was evident in his blog posts
about his daily experiences on the Andes Trail 2012.

This year, glimpses of his style are like snapshots on his Facebook posts.
Mum (me) decided to keep a record

2012 ended with these thoughts on Facebook:

December 18 - It was excellent to ride in to Ushuaia Anna! Had been waiting for that day for over 2 years. In a way it's also bittersweet. It's not like school, say bye, see you next year. It's just bye in many cases.
December 19 - Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been 3 days since my last bike ride. Going stir crazy!
December 24 - Oh crap, a Santa suit has appeared on the bed.
December 31 - Oh wow. Just found an Argentinian style heladeria right near my sister's place. The owners are Argentinian. Complete with the spoons I always snap and dulce de leche ice cream. I'm going to have to step up how km's I ride...

2013 began with these thoughts on Facebook:

January 12 - Have found my next Bag End. Move in next weekend, such a relief! On an acre too
January 18 - New toy new toy new toy! 4G phone samsung galaxy S III. Wow it's quick. 45Mbps download, 14Mbps upload. Excuse me while I go geek out. Just as well, not going anywhere with all the trains stuck due to the heat! Boo for cityfail, I mean cityrail!
January 19 - For the first time since July, when I used my toothbrush I didn't have to pack it away. Such a simple and gratifying thing.

February 5 The jersey files. Viva el jersey!
Some say the jersey must go. I say the jersey is an all purpose shirt that still has some threads left. The jersey began its life as a momento of my stay at International House on campus at the University of Wollongong 1999
February 23 - Definitely a day to stay inside. The ducks wandering through my backyard said so.

March 11 - The simple things in life are the best. Using my new toy, a 1700 lumen bright light to show the way when riding the mountain bike at night is even better. I was able to dodge the suicidal wombat!

April 26 - Joy happiness and wonderment. Finally got my bike. Delivered with barely enough petrol to get to the station running on reserve, after that... oh life is good.

May 4 - I can feel a geek episode coming on. A ride to Questacon and Tidbinbilla is calling. A new toy and holidays is a great combination.
May 5 - The geek session is coming to a close. A coffee at the top of Telstra tower overlooking Canberra aint a bad place to be.
May 18 - What is the definition of an addiction? I can't stay off the bike! I've even been looking forward to going to the office through Sydney traffic. 4500km in 2 weeks...

June 2 - Went for a ride on the motorbike after the rains have cleared only leaving rainbows. Dropped in to a pub listening to blues over a hot coffee, then back out, I was reminded how this corner of the world is a beautiful place to explore and revisit. Ah the happiness. People often comment on here all things about their lives that others don't care to know. I don't care if you don't is good.
June 8 - Here goes another 500km loop. Highlands to middle of nowhere to coast and back. How can I get a career doing this?!

July 2 - Thanks to all for the birthday messages and calls. It really is appreciated.
A great day. Lunch out bush, fun roads, going to a planetarium for the first time, coffee by the beach, then an excellent dinner and cake with family, add some amusing conversation and life's pretty good.
What does it mean when a person forgets how old they are, and have to work it out though?
July 12 - Remember eat in pizza hut with all you can eat? Found one! Remember their bacon bits? Gone! GONE! The tragedy!
July 14 - After a 1000km day yesterday, wake up and decide "just go down the road for breakfast". Off to Fitzroy Falls. Nice area, decide to explore previously unvisited roads, so through Wildes Meadow, Burrawang, on to Robertson, back roads to Marist Brothers vineyard for a coffee. Hmm...not done yet. Back via Yerrinbool, Thirlmere. Nah, too close to home! Onward to Nattai overlooking Burragorang Valley that you see here. Then back home. A 200km ride for breakfast. Now that's how you procrastinate from mowing!